Friday, December 1, 2017

Exciting News!!

As most of our family and friends know we lived in Alaska a few years back, and worked with InterAct Ministries while we were there. Bryan and I both worked on the campus of the Palmer, AK Interact property doing maintenance and hospitality. We were also able to help with some of the on the InterAct campus.

In 2015 we felt that God was calling us to come back to South Carolina, so we came. Since returning we have been actively involved in church ministry with youth, children’s, women’s, and camp ministry. We have greatly enjoyed our time here, and have learned so much. We feel like God has so wonderfully used this time to train and prepare us for our next assignment.

Here comes the exciting news, God is calling us back to Alaska!! When we left, we honestly did not know if we would ever be back. We have committed our lives to going wherever God leads us, and back in 2015 we had no idea that He would lead us back to Alaska. We are excited to again be working with InterAct ministries. We will be working to create opportunities and programs that will spread the love of Jesus to youth and families in that area. We are so very excited about this new journey that God is sending us on, and would love to share more about it with you.

In order to get back on the mission field, we need your help. We need friends, family, and fellow believers to partner with us in sharing the hope and love of Jesus. We ask that you pray for this new journey and how God will use us back in Alaska. We also need financial partners, those who will partner with us monthly so that we can quickly return to the field and get to work. Please let me know if you would like to be added to our email list, and if you would like to partner with us, you can do that on our page here.

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