Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Look Back...

As we take a look back at the year of 2013, it is still mind boggling. God has done so many things in our lives, and blessed us in countless ways.  When we as a family decided to turn everything over to God, and serve Him in any way that he wanted to use us, it seems that we went into warp speed.  I think that God wants us to be willing to serve, without mixing our own desires in.  Sometimes it is easy to say that we will serve, if we can do this or that, there is usually one or two specific things that we want to do.  However, I feel that God wants us to serve without expectation.  Being willing to serve without expecting to get anything in return, is truly one of the biggest blessings that you can receive, in my opinion. 

At the beginning of 2013 we spent much time in prayer about where God was taking us, and how he wanted to get us there.  We knew that he was calling us to Alaska, but the specifics had not been reveled to us yet.  We prayed, and asked friends and loved ones to pray for us as well.  We had already filled out applications to colleges in Alaska, but were not sure which one to go with, we had no idea how we would get to Alaska, and how we would be able to make it once we did arrive.  There were so many questions, and chances for doubt and fear to set in, but through much prayer we knew that this is where God wanted us, and He would get us here and work out all of the details.

God did just that!!  He took  care of all of the little things, that to us at the time seemed like huge road blocks.  He provided the encouragement that we needed from fellow believers, our Awesome church family, and some family members.  He provided the van that we needed to get here, and He provided the finances that we needed as well.  Once we arrived in Alaska, God continued to provide.  He placed us in our house for a reason, we are surrounded by wonderful people, who have been a tremendous help to us in our time of transition.  We stay on a property that is owned by the mission organization that we are hoping to work with very soon. 

It is so neat to look back on the past year and realize that what seemed like chaos to us at the time was actually a carefully orchestrated plan that God had created for our family.  As we look back, some of the things that seemed to take an eternity this past year, now look like that went by so quickly.  God is truly in control. 

We have had our share of obstacles to overcome and heartache this past year.   We have experienced more loss than I would like to think about, and have endured many attacks by the enemy.  It seems that Satan tried so hard to stop us from getting here, and do you want to know why?  I truly believe that God has big things planned for us here, and Satan knows that as well, so he has done many things to stop our progress.  However, as we all know, he has nothing on God.  God is bigger than anything Satan can throw our way. 

Our hearts are filled with so much love for all of our church family, friends, and supporters.  We have been truly blessed by your continuing prayers and support for our family, and the journey God has set us on.  So many times I rest in the fact that He, Jehovah, is mighty to save, and that no weapon formed against Him or us as believers, will stand!!  Abba Father has been here to comfort us in every trial.  We may be far from our family and friends back home, but God has been with us the entire way, and He is not going anywhere!!

We are so excited about what this year may bring.  Just like last year, we don't have all of the specifics, but we are ready to serve, and excited to do so.  Please continue to keep our family in your prayers.
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